Support Us
We are a 501c3 organization.
What does that mean to you? Your donation is fully tax deductible.
We rely on people and businesses like you to support our mission. Because of your generous support, we can continue to offer our presentations at no charge to the schools and organizations we speak to.
Donation Information:
All donations to the It'sTime2! organization will be processed by The Dayton Foundation.
Donations may be made by check or online. For those who like the convenience of credit card donations, follow the instructions below for online donations. For check donations, follow the instructions for sending a donation by check.
Securities may also be donated. For donation of securities, please contact The Dayton Foundation. All donations will be acknowledged by a letter from The Dayton Foundation.
Contact information for The Dayton Foundation is:
Lucy Baker
1401 S. Main Street, Suite 100
Dayton, Ohio 45409
Online Donations:
Click here to donate now. You will be redirected to The Dayton Foundation website to process your credit card. Scroll down and complete the donation page to provide the requested information.
The Operating Fund (Fund 8490) is a fund that allows for current and future It'sTime2! operating and growth initiatives.
After you complete the donation form, please select the "Make a Gift" button at the bottom of the form. Your donation will be charged to your credit card and you will receive a letter from The Dayton Foundation acknowledging your donation as a deductible charitable contribution. Your credit card statement will show The Dayton Foundation as the vendor.
Check Donations:
Make check payable to The Dayton Foundation.
Specify in the memo portion of your check that this donation is to the It'sTime2! Organization.
The Operating Fund (Fund 8490) is a fund that allows for current and future It'sTime2! operating and growth initiatives.
Mail your donation to:
The Dayton Foundation
c/o The It'sTime2! Organization -
You will receive a letter from The Dayton Foundation acknowledging your donation as a deductible charitable contribution.​​
Thank you to all donors for your generous donations. They will all be thoughtfully and carefully managed on behalf of the It'sTime2! organization.